The Minnesota Crime Data Explorer allows you to query and sort data, view trends in charts and graphs, export spreadsheets and learn about crime activity in our state in more dynamic ways than ever before.
Since 1935, Minnesota law enforcement agencies have provided information about crime activity and arrests to meet state and federal reporting requirements and to help Minnesotans better understand incidents in our communities and across our state.
While Minnesota Uniform Crime Reports are a compilation and summary of that data, the Minnesota Crime Data Explorer takes the data a step further – enabling you to choose ways to view the data that may better meet your needs or interests.
Eventually the Minnesota Crime Data Explorer will replace the Minnesota Uniform Crime Reports. And with the state’s 2020 transition to more detailed reporting, the Minnesota Crime Data Explorer will contain information that had not been collected at a statewide level until recently, including detailed information on victims, victim-offender relationships, property, and much more.
The data available in the Minnesota Crime Data Explorer continue to grow, as do the dynamic ways in which it can be viewed. Here are some recent updates now available.
All Minnesota law enforcement agencies are required by Minnesota Statutes 626.553 subdivision 2 to report a firearm discharge and by Minnesota Statute 626.5534 to report use-of-force incidents.
Agencies must file a report within 30 days of any incident when a peace officer discharges a firearm in the course of duty other than for training purposes or the killing of an animal that is sick, injured, or dangerous.
A chief law enforcement officer must provide the information requested by the FBI about each incident of law enforcement use-of-force resulting in serious bodily injury or death or when a firearm is discharged at or in the direction of an individual.
A motor vehicle includes automobiles, trucks, sport utility vehicles, snowmobiles, off-road recreational vehicles and motorboats as defined in Minnesota statutes.
Motor Vehicle – Min. Stat. § 609.487, subdivision 2a: "For purposes of this section, ‘motor vehicle’ has the meaning given it in section 169.011, subdivision 42, and includes a snowmobile, as defined in section 84.81, off-road recreational vehicles as defined in section 169A.03, subdivision 16, and motorboats as defined in section 169A.03, subdivision 13."
A pit maneuver is a pursuit tactic where the law enforcement vehicle forces the fleeing vehicle to turn sideways abruptly, causing the vehicle to stall and stop.
A carjacking is a robbery where the property stolen by force is a motor vehicle. Data on this property type is available by selecting Carjacking under Reporting Areas. Data on carjacking incidents is available for 2021 and forward.